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ENGAGEMENT TERM: March 2023 - February 2024 (one year)

WORK WITH: Technical Consultant (GIS/Infra), WWF-PH GIS unit, WWF-US, WWF-US national and subnational consultants (SPRINGS), NGAs (NEDA), CARAGA LGUs, and stakeholders


This consultancy is in support of WWF's objectives under the larger project, Sustainable Infrastructure in Asia Program (SIPA), led by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and in cooperation with multiple partners to support countries in Central and Southeast Asia in meeting their objectives under the Paris Agreement through sustainable infrastructure planning and development. WWF contributes to the specific objective of "improving capacity in the target regions for upstream strategic infrastructure planning to ensure that investment projects are situated within broader long-term sustainable development pathways (incorporating low-carbon transition and climate resilience goals)." WWF is working collaboratively with government partners and key stakeholders through WWF country offices in Indonesia and the Philippines to identify areas of natural capital and the ecosystem benefits they contribute to climate resilience for communities and infrastructure: for example, forests that reduce flooding or prevent soil erosion, wetlands that absorb floodwaters, or coastal mangroves that provide protection against extreme storms, also known as nature-based solutions (NbS).

The IUCN has defined NbS as "actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges (i.e. climate change) effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits". Nature-Based Solutions are an umbrella concept that can encompass concepts such as ecosystem-based adaptation, "natural infrastructure" (intact ecosystems), and green infrastructure. Ecosystems and their services are a central component of climate-resilient infrastructure. They provide options to mainstream resilience in infrastructure planning from development to operations cycles.

For the Philippines, the consultant will conduct a policy review of key policies linked to NbS and assess their effectiveness, further inclusion and promotion of NbS. The consultant is also tasked with evaluating ecosystem services and options for the use of nature-based approaches in infrastructure for decision-making to selected government entities. Working with the GIS consultant, the NbS consultant will determine parameters for the selection of hotspots to be included in the mapping. In order to spatially map ecosystem services/NbS and determine their economic values through stakeholder consultation and validation workshops, WWF and the consultant will collaborate with relevant government, academia, and NGO stakeholders in the Caraga region.


The consultant will generally provide technical support to the SIPA PH project in mainstreaming resilience into infrastructure planning, particularly in undertaking collaborative, participatory analysis of nature-based solutions for infrastructure planning and improving capacity for nature- based climate resilient infrastructure planning. In the end, the consultant will contribute to the project's goal of quantifying and mapping the natural ecosystems and the resilience benefits they provide to support infrastructure planning at the national and subnational scales (i.e. Mindanao).

Specifically, the consultant will conduct the following:

  • Review key policies and strategies that are closely linked to NbS for climate-resilience/adaptation, ecosystem-based approaches, and conservation, both national and local legislation, to assess NbS inclusivity and analyze its potential for further promotion of NbS
  • Gather baseline data on biodiversity and ecological information about key ecosystem area on subnational scales (Caraga, Mindanao), including status, threats, and drivers of change
  • Identify the various ecosystem services / NbS in the subnational scales (Caraga, Mindanao) and assess the economic values and other parameters, particularly services related t climate adaptation, mitigation, water resources, food security, health, livelihoods, and recreational and cultural value/significance.
  • Work with the GIS infra consultant in the mapping, spatial analysis, and determination of the parameters and selection of hotspots.
  • Design and facilitate the technical workshop, in coordination with the SIPA Team and its technical consultants, aimed to identify the NbS parameters, data sources
  • Assess options for the use of nature-based approaches to issues, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk management, and water management, including options such as ecosystem protection and restoration, in relation to infrastructure planning
  • Work with other SIPA consultants to assess technically feasible and cost-effective options for nature-based approaches, and their integration/mainstreaming into infrastructure planning
  • Document NbS best practices in the management of natural resources with a focus on infrastructure planning
  • Present the project output and report back to the critical stakeholders on the results of the analysis to elicit additional feedback during the multi-stakeholder consultation forum
  • Offer recommendations that will be considered in the decision-making for the selection and development of linear infrastructure projects.
  • Working with the SIPA team and other consultants, guide and influence the consideration of NbS in local spatial land use planning, taking into account investments in transportation infrastructure as well as in ecosystem protection and conservation.
  • Develop and prepare training program and modules on NbS and deliver the same.


  • Inception Report and Workplan
  • Assessment report document
  • Technical Reports
  • Policy brief showing relevant policies on NbS inclusivity to be used in advocating NbS approaches for the conservation of natural resources and mainstreaming of climate resilience, particularly in infrastructure planning
  • Training program manual, modules on NbS integration with infrastructure planning



As an equal employment opportunity employer, WWF does not discriminate based on an applicant’s race, religion, sex, gender, or disability status. To reduce paper use, submissions by mail will not be accepted. Due to the high volume of applications, inquiries via phone cannot be accepted.

To apply, please submit the following:

  • A cover letter of Interest addressed to the Project Coordinator, Mr. Dean Maynard Roxas
  • A technical proposal that describes the proposed process, timeframe and budget quote
  • Sample of potential outputs
  • Company Information Sheet
  • A Curriculum Vitae outlining relevant education, expertise and experience of the lead person and appropriate project team of experts
  • BIR Registration
  • Copy of Official Receipt
  • Copy of at least two most recent engagement fees or consultancy fee

Submit a proposal by electronic mail to with the subject line: "SIPA_PH_[name of consultancy]" no later than 6:00 PM, 28 February 2023.