Internship - Historic Preservation Intern (21 Weeks)
Conservation Begins Here
Historic Preservation Intern (21 Weeks)
Position Summary
Project is to complete vital historic preservation work on the parks primary cultural resources including the Spanish colonial church and convento, Pecos Pueblo, and other historic sites throughout the park. Goals are to work together to improve the condition of these resources using hands-on approaches working with adobe brick, mud mortar and plasters, wood, and stone. Intern will work closely with the Chief of Resources and Preservation Crew Lead and NPS seasonal staff to learn and complete tasks. The work is closely aligned with construction trades and is hands-on historic preservation work outdoors in temperatures varying from 40 to 95 degrees F.
April 21, 2025 - September 15, 2025
Key Duties and Responsibilities
Intern will work with park staff to repair portions of the 17th and 18th century adobe and stone structures and make new adobe bricks, mix and apply mud mortar/plaster and complete mud capping of structures to protect them from the elements. Mud chinking of a historic wood log cabin and other hands on work will also be completed. Will learn adobe wall construction techniques and all aspects of earthen and stone architecture within the setting of National Park Service historic preservation and management programs.
Marginal Duties
May also assist with historic preservation documentation and/or learn about how its done. Exposure to environmental compliance and all aspects of historic preservation work in the National Park Service.
Required Qualifications
- Driver's license
- Experience working outside and with their hands
- Experience in construction trades
- Experience working on teams
- Both an SCA and NPS background check will be required for this position
This SCA Position is authorized under the Public Land Corps Authority. All participants must be between the ages of 16 and 30, inclusive, or veterans age 35 or younger. Participants must also be a citizen or national of the United States or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States. Hours served can be applied toward the Public Land Corps (PLC) hiring authority.
Preferred Qualifications
- Exposure to or degree related to history, archaeology, or historic preservation
40 per week
Living Accommodations
Intern must find housing in either Santa Fe, Pecos/Rowe/Glorieta or Las Vegas New Mexico
- Living Allowance: $300/week
- Commuting Allowance: $25/week
- Roundtrip Travel Allowance: $1100 one time
- Housing Allowance: $1500/month
All allowances are subject to applicable federal, state, and local taxes.
Personal Vehicle Information
Additional Benefits
- Defensive Drive Training
- Off-Road Vehicle Safety
- AmeriCorps: Eligible/Optional
Equal Opportunity Statement
SCA strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. SCA is committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally. The Student Conservation Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Physical requirements and working conditions specific to the position are available in the full job description.