Internship- Sea Turtle Survey at Dry Tortugas National Park
Program Dates: 05/5/2025 – 10/17/2025
About us:
The Student Conservation Association (SCA) is the largest provider of hands-on environmental conservation programs for youth and young adults. Program participants protect and restore national parks, marine sanctuaries, cultural landmarks, and community green spaces across the country.
Position Summary
Primary duties of this position include participating the sea turtle research and monitoring efforts over on Loggerhead Key; including conducting morning beach surveys to document turtle nesting activity, marking and monitoring nests daily, and performing nest excavations to determine nest productivity. Fieldwork will be accompanied by data entry, verification, and report writing. Work schedules are typically 10 days “on” out at the park followed by 4 days “off” between shifts, however this is subject to change based on conditions at the park. Furnished coed housing is available at no cost at Dry Tortugas National Park in the form of a small historic house that will be shared by interns on Loggerhead Key. Participants are responsible for bringing all food and necessary supplies for each 10-day trip out to the park and must be comfortable working in a solo and team capacity. Living and working on Loggerhead Key means you'll inherit some routine maintenance tasks which include operating critical support systems such as water making.
May 5, 2025 - October 17, 2025
Location: Loggerhead Key Island in Monroe County, Florida
Key Duties and Responsibilities
Key duties include sea turtle nest day patrol surveys where participants will mark and collect data on sea turtle nests that were laid the night prior. During day patrol surveys, participants will monitor nests for various impacts from waves, storms, other sea turtles, predation, etc... After nests have hatched, nest inventories will be conducted by hand where hatch and emergence success will be assessed. Fieldwork will be followed by data entry and verification.
Marginal Duties
Members will be stationed on Loggerhead Key, where they will inherit additional duties such as water making and basic island maintenance.
Required Qualifications
Must be a U.S. Citizen or U.S. legal permanent resident; Must be 18 years or older; Must be able to successfully complete and pass a federal background check; Must have the ability to work long hours in full sun in harsh weather conditions; Must be able to walk 4 miles or more daily (with gear); Must be capable of digging deep holes in the sand and carrying up to 50lbs; Must be adaptable and solution oriented;
This SCA Position is authorized under the Public Land Corps Authority. All participants must be between the ages of 16 and 30, inclusive, or veterans age 35 or younger. Participants must also be a citizen or national of the United States or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States. Hours served can be applied toward the Public Land Corps (PLC) hiring authority.
Preferred Qualifications
Strong organization skills; Attention to standardized protocol; General knowledge/training of biological processes in natural resources or marine science; Familiarity with handheld GPS units and database management; Experience on/around small watercraft; Routine maintenance skills;
40 per week
Living Accommodations
Housing will be provided while member is at the Dry Tortugas on Loggerhead Key and on Garden Key. At the park, housing is shared by interns in a small historic house with a semi-furnished kitchen. Participants will be responsible for bringing all food and necessary supplies for each 10 day trip to the park.
Member Benefits:
-Living allowance - $600/week
-Housing allowance - $1,500/month
All allowances are subject to applicable federal, state, and local taxes.
Personal Vehicle Information
Equal Opportunity Statement
SCA strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. SCA is committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally. The Student Conservation Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Physical requirements and working conditions specific to the position are available in the full job description.