Internship - Developed Recreation Participant - Tofte Ranger District

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Position Summary

Recreation team members will spend the summer working and learning within the Recreation program of the Superior National Forest, performing maintenance tasks at developed and dispersed recreation sites. Maintaining and restoring sites that visitors use for recreational purposes helps to prevent resource damage and minimize impact on the land. Facilities maintenance is a necessary way to minimize sanitation impacts throughout the forest. Members will educate visitors on Leave No Trace principles that will reduce negative impacts on the Superior National Forest.


May 19, 2025 - August 8, 2025 (12 weeks)

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Primary duty is in developed campgrounds - campground facilities maintenance (checking for reservations, posting sites, cleaning outhouses, collecting garbage, maintaining campsites, and picnic areas); Maintaining trailheads, wilderness sites and dispersed recreation sites

Marginal Duties

Other duties may include; Working with Recreation staff on developed recreation or trails projects; Working with partners to complete developed recreation or trails projects or maintenance

Required Qualifications

Drivers License;

This SCA Position is authorized under the Public Land Corps Authority. All participants must be between the ages of 16 and 30, inclusive, or veterans age 35 or younger. Participants must also be a citizen or national of the United States or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States. Hours served can be applied toward the Public Land Corps (PLC) hiring authority.

Preferred Qualifications

Use of power tools; weed whips, brush saws, drills, skill saws, etc.


40 per week

Living Accommodations

  • Housing provided on site in cabins o Each individual will have a single or double room in a cabin. Shared restrooms and kitchen space. Restrooms are shared but designed for one person at a time and have locks. Single gender cabins maybe available.


• $450/week Living Allowance • $1,100 To/From Travel Allowance, paid once with first paycheck • $200 reimbursable allowance for equipment/safety gear

All allowances are subject to applicable federal, state, and local taxes.

Personal Vehicle Information


Additional Benefits

Defensive Drive Training

First Aid/CPR

Interpretive Skills

Off-Road Vehicle Safety

AmeriCorps: Eligible/Optional

Equal Opportunity Statement

SCA strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. SCA is committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally. The Student Conservation Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.

Physical requirements and working conditions specific to the position are available in the full job description.