Creating illustrations, designing and redesigning posters and flipbooks on human rights topics.

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Summary Information

  • Department: Global Programs

  • Location(s): Global

  • Commitment: Approx. 30 days

  • Desired start date and duration: October 2023 through November 2023

Consultancy Summary

About the Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance (RA) is creating a more sustainable world by using social and market forces to protect nature and improve the lives of farmers and forest communities. We work towards making responsible business the new normal through our certification program, tailored supply chain services, landscape and community work and advocacy. We also work in addressing risks that jeopardize the rights and wellbeing of farmers and workers in key commodities and regions.

For more information, please visit


Human rights violations are a salient risk during the cultivation of many agricultural products, including coffee, cocoa, tea, bananas, and other fruits. Despite recent improvements, complex problems such as child labor, forced labor, poor working conditions, low wages, irregularities regarding freedom of association and gender inequality are still embedded in agricultural supply chains.

Rainforest Alliance promotes human right protection by implementing its standard and certification program with human rights requirements and has been making training available to every certified farm and group to support them in implementing the requirements. Rainforest Alliance is looking for a consultant to deliver the following materials to support this work.

Main Objectives

The main objectives of the consultancy are as follows:

a) To create illustrations on different human right topics to fit each regional context

b) To redesign already existing posters and flipbooks to fit each regional context

c) To design new posters and flipbooks to fit each regional context

Activities and Deliverables

Create illustrations

Please see below for samples of types of illustrations we are seeking.

  • Illustrations of children working in farms, workers being forced to work, women and other workers in situations of vulnerability to harassment (physical or verbal), people in situations of vulnerability to sexual harassment or abuse, discrimination based on age, ethnicity and gender, women being denied leadership positions, training being provided only for men, waste from farms contaminating neighborhoods, mechanisms of airing grievances. Sample illustrations shown here: Assess and Address Flipbook for Trainers-EN.pptx

Rainforest Alliance requires three versions of each illustration, representing each of the three regions (East Asia, East Africa, and Latin America). (Approximately 120 illustrations in total)

  • Illustrations of workers receiving training on gender, women and men working together, that shows farm commitment to gender equality in a billboard, a committee member addressing gender inequality issues (providing awareness on GBV, working with stakeholders...), women workers in leadership positions, women participating in training and providing training, men and women working together to address gender inequality, in Gender flip book to fit to LATAM, and Asia context. See sample here: flipbook anglais (1).pdf

Rainforest Alliance requires four versions of each illustration, representing each of the four regions (South Asia, East Asia, East Africa, and Latin America). (Approximately 120 illustrations in total)

  • Occupational Health and safety (OHS) poster- Illustrations of workers spraying herbicides wearing protection, workers receiving awareness on the importance of wearing protection, standard water, hygiene and sanitation services, hazardous warnings on chemical storage.

Rainforest Alliance requires five versions of each illustration, representing each of the five regions (South Asia, East Asia, East Africa, West Africa and Latin America). (Approximately 35 illustrations in total)

  • Freedom of association flipbook- illustration of payment papers with salary difference between a unionized worker and a non-unionized, a paid-leave to develop workers representation with a denied stamp, Workers meeting in an assembly (without an employer), workers' reps meeting with employers.

Rainforest Alliance requires five versions of each illustration, representing each of the five regions (South Asia, East Asia, East Africa, West Africa and Latin America). (Approximately 120 illustrations in total).

Design and redesign of posters and flipbooks

Please see below for samples of types of posters and flipbooks we are seeking.

  • Redesign the Rainforest Alliance’s current Assess and Address poster to fit LATAM and South Asia contexts using illustrations produced under part A. A total of 3 posters to be produced– Spanish, Portuguese, and South Asia;

  • Redesign the Rainforest Alliance’s current workplace violence and harassment poster for the LATAM, West Africa, South Asia and Indonesia context, using illustrations produced under part A. A total of 5 posters to be produced- West Africa, Indonesia, Spanish, and Portuguese, South Asia;

  • Redesign the Rainforest Alliance’s current discrimination poster for the West Africa, LATAM and south Asia contexts, using illustrations produced under part A. A total of 4 posters to be produced – West Africa, Spanish, South Asia and Portuguese;

  • Redesign the Rainforest Alliance’s current Assess and Address flip book to fit to the LATAM (Portuguese and Spanish), East Africa and East Asia contexts A total of 4 Flipbooks – East Africa, East Asia, Spanish and Portuguese;

  • Design a new basic Assess and address poster and produce a total of 8 posters – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA[1], Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a new health and safety poster and produce a total of 8 posters – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a new grievance mechanism poster and produce a total of 8 posters – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a new freedom of association poster and produce a total of 8 posters – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a new workplace violence and harassment flipbook and produce a total of 8 posters – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portugues and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a poster on child labor and produce a total of 8 flipbooks – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a poster on forced labor and produce a total of 8 flipbooks – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a poster on workplace violence and harassment and produce a total of 8 flipbooks – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

  • Design a new flipbook for workers and produce a total of 8 flipbooks – Chinese, English, Spanish, French, SWA, Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Portuguese – that fit into the East Asia, East Africa and West Africa and Latin America (LATAM) (Portuguese and Spanish) contexts.

Design should be following the branding guidelines (colour, correct use of logo, fonts ).

All documents should be created in either Adobe InDesign or Illustrator (and open files delivered to Rainforest Alliance).

RA Human rights and livelihood team will be responsible for guiding the work of the consultant. The consultant will work closely with this team throughout this assignment.

Please note that printing the above materials is NOT included in the scope of this assignment.

General terms and conditions for Request for proposal

  • Proposals and/or any additional information received after the submission time and date are subject to rejection by The Rainforest Alliance. Incomplete proposals may be rejected by RA at its discretion.

  • The Rainforest Alliance reserves the right to request additional information at any time during the procurement process.

  • RA is at liberty to make multiple or no selections as part of the proposal process. RA also reserves the right to cancel the procurement.

  • All proposal costs shall be borne by the applicant and will not be reimbursed by RA.

Selection Criteria

The Consultant or Consultant Firm should have the following skills and experience:

  • Demonstrated experience in creating illustrations suitable for our cultural contexts and designing materials similar to those in the request for proposal.

  • Good organizational time management skills.

  • High level of spoken and written English, to facilitate communication with the global Rainforest Alliance team.

The selection criteria are:

o Description of qualifications and experience and samples of previous work products

o Cost proposal

o Availability before end of 2023

o The Consultant can be an individual consultant or organization or research institution who is legally registered.

Proposal Process and Format

Interested individuals or firms should send their proposal to,, and with the subject line “Proposal for creating illustrations, designing and redesigning posters and flipbooks on human rights topics.” before COB the 13th of October, 2023.

The proposal should include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Experience and Past Performance. Applications must include a description of consultant’s previous experience in designing and creating illustrations, as well as samples of past illustrations created. Also, a description of the consultant's experience in graphic design and samples of the consultant's graphic design products such as posters.

  • Applicants must include 1 past performance reference of similar work previously implemented as well as contact information for the organization for which such work was completed. Contact information must include at a minimum: name of point of contact who can speak to the consultant’s performance, name, and address of the organization for which the work was performed, and email and phone number of the point of contact.

  • Proposed time frame for the deliverables.

  • Financial proposal in USD.

Thank you for your interest in working with The Rainforest Alliance

[1] Swahili