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The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.


Since its establishment in 2013, GGGI has supported the government of Mexico in developing the National Climate Change Strategy and the Special Climate Change Program. Over the past decade, GGGI has solidified its role as a trusted advisor to the federal and subnational governments of Mexico, actively working with key counterparts to establish a solid foundation for green growth in the country. In recent years, GGGI has partnered with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), as well as with the United Kingdom through its UKPACT program, to enhance the climate financing architecture in the country and improve Mexico's access to climate resources by preparing local financial institutions, highlighting the role of development banking in accessing GCF funds.

GGGI Mexico has a growing portfolio managing a diverse set of programs and projects focused on four key thematic areas: energy, green cities, water and land use, as well as cross-cutting areas of climate change and socially inclusive development; all of which significantly contribute to the potential for achieving green growth in Mexico.

Parties not included in Annex I, such as Mexico, must submit their national communication every four years to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as part of their reporting commitments. The National Communication (NC) provides information on greenhouse gas inventories (GHG), measures to mitigate and facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change, and any other information that the Party considers relevant to the achievement of the Convention's objective. Mexico has been at the forefront of transparency in climate change matters and was the first non-Annex I country to publish its sixth NC. Since Mexico's Fifth National Communication, the country has emphasized the incorporation of gender issues and solutions in its climate change policies. Currently, Mexico is preparing to initiate the development of its seventh NC and plans to continue highlighting the importance of incorporating gender into climate action, given that climate change disproportionately affects women and other vulnerable groups in Mexico due to its social structure.

The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) is the Mexican government entity responsible for delivering the 7th Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as well as other transparency reports (BTR, AdCom, etc.). Prioritizing the mainstreaming of gender perspective in Mexico's climate change policies and actions, GGGI and INECC are preparing the Seventh Communication under the UNFCCC Biennial Transparency Report (BTR). GGGI seeks technical support to incorporate the gender perspective into these national reports and support Mexico in fulfilling its commitments to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.


The main objective of this consultancy is to support the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) in mainstreaming gender perspective within the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) and the Seventh National Communication of Mexico. To achieve this, the consultancy should ensure the inclusion of gender, intersectionality, and human rights approaches in the chapters indicated in the National Communication (NC).

Additionally, it will provide conceptual and methodological consistency in the NC document, including conducting a gender analysis, identifying gender gaps, as well as the contribution of climate action in reducing these gaps and in the enjoyment of all human rights. It will also highlight the challenges and opportunities for future communications. Similarly, the consultant will coordinate, supervise, advise, and ensure the quality control of gender and human rights work in the following chapters: a) National Circumstances; b) Adaptation; and c) Mitigation, as well as in the BTR. Moreover, the consultancy will provide adhoc support to INECC staff working on the 7th Communication and 1st BTR as required to ensure the fulfillment of these objectives.


[A] Activities

The consultancy should undertake at least the following activities:

Establish the coordination, organization, consultation, and monitoring mechanisms of the consultants specialized on gender, intersectionality, and human rights working in the chapters of national circumstances, adaptation, and mitigation of the 7th National Communication and the 1st Biennial Transparency Report (BTR).

  • Ensure compliance with the objectives and activities associated with gender, intersectionality, and human rights themes of each chapter, particularly supervising their alignment with the Gender Action Plan and Analysis of the Project Document (PRODOC) of the 7th NC and 1st BTR.
  • Propose a methodology (theoretical framework and concepts based on the legal framework subscribed by the Mexican State) for the inclusion of gender, intersectionality, and human rights perspectives in the NC and BTR.
  • Conduct working meetings with the gender, intersectionality, and human rights consultants to adopt a joint vision of concepts and methodologies in the NC and BTR; integrate them from the beginning of the work; and ensure their consistency throughout the document.
  • Convene and organize, along with INECC and GGGI, meetings/workshops with the gender, intersectionality, and human rights consultants of the NC and BTR to explain, review, and agree on concepts and methodologies.
  • Establish criteria to ensure that data and information collection include gender criteria for each chapter and each reporting component of the 7th NC and 1st BTR.
  • Ensure that the mitigation and adaptation chapters of the NC and BTR analyze climate change policies at different levels of government and assess to what extent they respond and contribute to the central role played by women (from an intersectional approach) in building resilience and supporting zero-carbon development.
  • Analyze the coherence and continuity of the national gender equality and climate change agenda based on the 6th National Communication, the 3rd Biennial Update Report (BUR), and the 1st Adaptation Communication (ADCOM), as well as lessons learned.
  • Support INECC in the periodic monitoring and evaluation (monthly) of progress generated by consulting groups for each chapter of the NC and BTR to ensure quality assurance and continuous improvement. When necessary, hold parallel meetings to socialize and gather feedback on the effective inclusion of gender and climate change criteria in the chapters of the NC and BTR.
  • Prepare a document assessing the degree of compliance with the incorporation of gender, intersectionality, and human rights approach in each chapter (national circumstances, adaptation, and mitigation) of the NC and BTR, as well as alternatives for improvement and measures to address limitations and improve results obtained from each component.
  • Develop and deliver a document containing a report showing the measures implemented according to this consultancy's recommendations.
  • Identify knowledge and capacity development needs in gender within INECC.
  • Develop and deliver a document containing an executive summary of the consultancy development, key findings, and recommendations for future communications, including annexes.
  • Prepare a summary for the final document of the 7th Communication and 1st BTR explaining how the gender approach was mainstreamed throughout the document.

[B] Deliverables

Under the direct supervision of GGGI Mitigation Senior Associate, and in close collaboration with GGGI GESI Senior Associate, as well as the General Coordination of Climate Change Adaptation and Ecology of INECC, the consultant will develop the following deliverables within the framework of the consultancy:

1. Work Plan:

Develop a detailed work plan that includes the following aspects:

a) Methodology, theoretical approach, phases, deadlines, and responsibilities.

b) Activity schedule broke down by month.

2. Two (2) Progress Reports to be delivered every 8 weeks. The reports should include activities related to the purpose of the consultancy, including support provided for the development of the 7th National Communication and 1st BTR.

3. A final draft containing everything described in the activities section, to be incorporated into the 7th National Communication and 1st BTR.

4. Four (4) Substantive Reports:

a) Report on the measures that were addressed.

b) Report with findings (diagnosis) and recommendations to improve the knowledge and capacities of INECC in gender and climate change.

c) Summary report of the consultancy: a brief Word document of no more than 10 pages and a PowerPoint slide deck of no more than 5 slides summarizing the main results of this consultancy.

d) Summary for the final document of the 7th National Communication and 1st BTR explaining how the gender approach was mainstreamed throughout the document.

[C] Multiple Due Dates



Delivery Deadline


Payment #1

Deliverable 1.

Work plan, methodology, and schedule.

Three weeks after the contract signing.


Payment #2

Deliverable 2.

A detailed progress report on supported activities and deliverables from week 2 to week 10.

Before September 15, 2024.


Payment #3

Deliverable 3.

a) A detailed progress report on supported activities and deliverables from week 11 to week 18.

Before December 31, 2024.


Payment #4

Deliverable 4.

a) Report on the measures that were addressed.

b) Final draft containing everything described in the activities section, to be incorporated into the 7th National Communication and 1st BTR.

Before March 15, 2025.


Payment #5

Deliverable 5.

a) A report with findings (diagnosis) and recommendations to improve the knowledge and capacities of INECC in gender and climate change.

b) Report containing an executive summary of the consultancy's development, key findings, and recommendations for future communications and annexes.

c) Summary for the final document of the 7th National Communication and 1st BTR explaining how the gender approach was incorporated throughout the document.

Before May 31, 2025.


[D] Suggested Methodology and Competition Requirements

  • The consultant may utilize primary and secondary sources of information to prepare the required outcomes.
  • Meetings with the GGGI team and individuals designated by the General Coordination of Climate Change Adaptation and Ecology; the General Coordination of Climate Change Mitigation of the INECC; the General Coordination of Dissemination, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Public Policies of Climate Change of the INECC; and relevant entities are necessary to validate and prioritize actions to be developed through interviews, workshops, focus groups with relevant stakeholders and authorities.
  • Integrated technical work is considered crucial for achieving the objectives.
  • It is the responsibility of the consultant to attend all required events and technical meetings.
  • All technical documents, reports, and other relevant documents prepared from the beginning to the end of the task will be attached to the Final Report.
  • The final report must be approved by GGGI and the INECC. The consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed by GGGI and the INECC. Additionally, within 14 days of receiving comments or proposed modifications from GGGI, the consultant shall prepare and submit the final versions of the report.

[E] Reports and Coordination

The development of the consultancy will be monitored and coordinated primarily through regular review and planning meetings - the precise schedule will be determined once the consultancy begins by GGGI, the General Coordination of Climate Change Adaptation and Ecology (CGACCE) of the INECC, and the consultant. Through these review meetings, progress on the consultancy work will be tracked, addressing topics such as strategic direction of activities, coordination of stakeholders, definition of interinstitutional reconciliation tables, as well as reporting on progress regarding the consultancy objective and outcomes.

All reports or results must be written in Spanish, except for the final report (deliverable 5b) which must be submitted in both Spanish and English, according to GGGI's format requirements, and must be sent in electronic copy along with the detail of the products associated with the deliverables, including attendance lists of coordination spaces, aids to the generated memories, and complete sets of data and research materials.

[F] Supervision

The consultant will be supervised by GGGI Mexico Mitigation Senior Associate Mexico and the designated individual(s) from the General Coordination of Climate Change Adaptation and Ecology of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC).


The consultant must meet the following requirements:

  • (MANDATORY) Mexican citizen or foreign resident with a valid work visa.
  • (MANDATORY) Professional with a degree in international affairs, law, natural sciences, applied economics (e.g., climate change, environment), biology, geography, or environmental sciences (management), or related disciplines.
  • (MANDATORY) Professional with postgraduate training, preferably in development and/or gender studies, social policy, and related disciplines.
  • (MANDATORY) At least five (5) years of professional experience in mainstreaming gender perspective in policies, methodologies, and tools, preferably in environmental and climate-related issues, either in the public, private, or NGO sectors.
  • (DESIRED) At least three (3) years of relevant professional experience in the field of climate change, preferably in gender, human rights, SDGs, and NDC commitments subscribed by Mexico.
  • (DESIRED) Knowledge in the development of gender and climate policies, strategies, or plans at national and subnational levels.
  • (DESIRED) Previous work experience in public sector institutions, international organizations, or private sector companies working on climate change adaptation and/or mitigation initiatives is highly desirable.
  • (DESIRED) Experience in designing and conducting stakeholder consultation processes will be valued.
  • Capacity for analysis and integration of information, data management, and excellent writing skills in Spanish.
  • (DESIRED) Fluency in English (written and verbal, minimum level B2).
  • Strong skills in assertive communication and coordination of workgroups.

Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.