Territorialization National Zero Deforestation Agreement Meat Chain Antioquia

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Based in Seoul, The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.

GGGI supports stakeholders through complementary and integrated workstreams – Green Growth Planning and Implementation and Investment and Policy Solutions (IPS) – that deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans.


Project: Technically support the territorialization of the National Zero Deforestation Agreement of the Meat Chain for the sub-regions of the Nordeste, Magdalena Medio, and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia, in coordination with Corantioquia, the Government of Antioquia, and the Municipalities subject to prioritization.

Duty Station: Medellín

Contract Period: six (6) months

Consultant Level: Level 3

Total Fees: Up to 11,400 (Depending on credentials)

Contract Type
Individual Consultant (Deliverable)
Individual Consultant 3
Salary scale
Individual Consultant Scale
Contract Duration
six (6) months
Deadline (23:59 KST)
Job Reference

Antioquia is the territory with the highest deforestation in the Andean region. According to IDEAM reports, Antioquia is among the five departments of the country in which 70% of national deforestation is concentrated. In addition, in recent years, Antioquia has always been in the first positions of departments with the highest deforestation in the country. However, in 2021 it ranked sixth nationally.

The causes of deforestation in Antioquia vary according to the location of the High Deforestation Nuclei in the territory since each municipality has its dynamics and characteristics that induce deforestation. However, based on the information presented in the different IDEAM deforestation early warning bulletins, in Antioquia, the leading causes of deforestation are the following five activities: Illicit mineral extraction, Cultivation of illicit crops, Expansion of the agricultural frontier, Illegal logging and Bad practices of extensive cattle ranching. Regarding extensive livestock, Antioquia is the most critical livestock department in the country, with a herd of more than 3 million cattle, a dairy share of 39% of the national total, and a slaughter rate of more than 540,000 animals per year.

Aware of this situation, the Government of Antioquia has decided to prioritize the control of deforestation in a legal framework that supports existing strategies and promotes new initiatives to address the problem, as well as the committed action of the different stakeholders. In this way, the agenda includes defining and implementing 15 coordination mechanisms to control deforestation and consolidating the "Program for the Control of Deforestation and Sustainable Management of Forests in Antioquia." This instrument has to be created and adopted through a departmental ordinance within the Declaration of Climate Emergency framework to curb deforestation and the degradation of forests in the department. Thus promote the conservation of natural capital, the engine of the economy of Antioquia, and mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the territory.

One of the mechanisms is the "Promotion of zero-deforestation agreements in production chains," which aims to reduce the pressure on forests by traditional production activities and to promote the demand for products generated under zero-deforestation agreements. This includes strategies for developing zero-deforestation agreements in agricultural and/or forestry production chains, mainly for milk, meat, coffee, palm and cocoa, and other activities.

In addition, from the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Center of Antioquia (CORANTIOQUIA). Environmental Authority, which concentrates 65% of the total number of municipalities in the department and which is concentrated in the High Deforestation Nucleus of the Nordeste and Bajo Cauca subregion, has as a goal in its 2020-2023 Institutional Action Plan to reduce the number of hectares deforested in natural ecosystems by 10% (8,874 Ha) at the end of the four-year period.

CORANTIOQUIA developed the Deforestation Control Strategy for its jurisdiction, as a necessary tool to deal with deforestation processes, which it proposes, based on the lines defined by the National Government in the "Forests Territories of Life" strategy, concrete goals and actions for the regions of the jurisdiction. Within this, it seeks to solve the main problems that generate deforestation hotspots, mainly in Antioquia's Nordeste and Bajo Cauca regions.

For this purpose, at the national level, the country has set as one of its goals the implementation of five (5) "zero deforestation" agreements with the actors of the following chains: dairy, meat, forestry, cocoa and palm, which are promoted from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR).

On May 6, 2019, the National Government signed the Zero Deforestation Agreement with companies from the private sector of the meat and milk value chains, international civil society organizations, and research centers, which in turn are part and participated in the framework of the Annual Global Meeting of the Alliance for Tropical Forests (TFA). As a result, these actors committed to gradually eliminating their deforestation footprint in their respective value chains by 2025.

The agreements by the economic agents, which are related to the productive chain and who sign it voluntarily, must have zero-deforestation as a premise, for which agricultural extension, financial instruments, and the articulation with the duly recognized traceability instrument within the framework of current systems. Through this agreement of wills, these new differentiated value attributes are recognized.

GGGI Colombia oversees the National Technical Secretariat of the Zero Meat Deforestation Agreement, to which 40 public and private institutions belong. In this sense, implementing actions with the beef and dairy cattle sector is strategic and imperative to curb deforestation in Antioquia. For this purpose, the zero-deforestation agreements are tools for articulation between business actors in the meat and milk supply chain with the commitment to joint work to gradually eliminate any trace of deforestation from their chain by the year 2030.

Aware of this potential, CORANTIOQUIA has been carrying out an agreement with the National University to: "Join technical and financial efforts for the adoption and appropriation of technological developments generated and/or appropriate for the efficient use of natural resources and agrobiodiversity, and the strengthening of the zero-deforestation agenda in the jurisdiction of CORANTIOQUIA". This agreement is expected to promote deals and zero-deforestation agendas in the panela and livestock sectors at the level of individual producers and their jurisdiction.

For this reason, within the framework of the Phase II Program with the Government of Norway (to control deforestation) and under the memoranda of understanding signed with the Government of Antioquia (June 9, 2020) and Corantioquia (October 29, 2020), seeks to promote policies, programs and/or projects within the scope of its powers, aimed at economic growth in the department of Antioquia, which is environmentally sustainable, socially inclusive and compatible with climates. From the exchange of knowledge and strengthening of the structuring and implementation of investment and bankable projects in strategic areas of interest and support in the design and implementation of departmental and local policies, programs, and projects on strategic issues of green growth. For this reason, hiring an individual consultant is required to technically confirm the territorialization of the National Zero Deforestation Agreement of the Meat Chain for the subregions of Nordeste, Magdalena Medio, and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia through the management for the adherence of producer ranchers associations to the National Agreement.

This exercise will be participatory and articulated with CORANTIOQUIA, the Government of Antioquia, and the Municipalities subject to technical assistance. Therefore, these agreements are expected to achieve the Zero Net Deforestation of Forests goal by 2030 and to restore areas disturbed by unsustainable production systems through sustainable models in the beef value and supply chain and its derivatives and cattle intended for meat products in Colombia.


General Objective. Technically support the territorialization of the National Zero Deforestation Agreement of the Meat Chain for the subregions of the Nordeste, Magdalena Medio, and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia, in coordination with Corantioquia, the Government of Antioquia and the Municipalities subject to prioritization.

Scope. Associations of ranchers and chain companies that carry out or are interested in carrying out differentiated practices, belonging to the subregions of Nordeste, Magdalena Medio and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia.

Specific objectives:

OBJECTIVE 1. Join efforts with Corantioquia, the Government of Antioquia, and the prioritized Municipalities to identify specific collaboration opportunities related to promoting the National Zero Deforestation Agreement of the Bovine Meat Chain in the Department of Antioquia and its articulation with departmental initiatives.

OBJECTIVE 2. To identify and characterize, in a participatory manner, the regional beef cattle production chain and the actors of the links that compose it in the Nordeste, Magdalena Medio and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia subregions.

OBJECTIVE 3. Socialize the National Zero Deforestation Meat Agreement with the different local actors in the chain to link companies or associations that advance or are interested in carrying out differentiated practices and that have a presence in the department of Antioquia and, in this way, promote the gradual elimination of the deforestation of natural forests and the transformation of other strategic ecosystems in their supply chains.

OBJECTIVE 4. Define actions in a coordinated manner with the National Agreement on Zero Deforestation Meat with short, medium, and long-term horizons in the links of production, transformation, marketing, and consumption, according to the interference of each subregion, aimed at eliminating deforestation in the chain, promote restoration and conservation, and thus reduce the carbon footprint of the bovine meat chain.

OBJECTIVE 5. Support the management jointly with Corantioquia, the Government of Antioquia, and the corresponding Mayors for signing the National Zero Deforestation Meat Agreement with at least one (1) organization. This organization must influence the Nordeste, Magdalena Medio and Bajo Cauca subregions, where the actions aimed at strengthening traceability in the meat chain and the corresponding follow-up of the indicators that communicate the fulfillment of the related commitments to the Agreements.


Product 1. Work plan. A document that reflects the technical proposal and methodology clearly and in detail mentions the step-by-step. How and when will the milestones that lead to the construction of the strategy and the fulfillment of the objectives be developed? You must respond to all the considerations contained in these terms of reference.

Product 2. Technical document with the following chapters:

  • chapter that contains the analysis of regional information meat production chain of the area to be intervened and the actors that compose it. It must include a database containing the potential companies and associations for the signing of the national agreement with some development or interest in developing differentiated practices. The consultant must identify the information. The Government of Antioquia, Corantioquia, and the prioritized municipalities will provide reference information.
  • chapter containing the methodology and strategy for linking the associations and companies previously identified to the National Agreement. For the linkage strategy, three awareness-raising sessions will be held (one for each subregion) on the importance of the agreements compared to country commitments and the responsibility of the members of the Agreement in supplying information that facilitates the self-analysis of each association or business.
  • chapter with a management proposal between Corantioquia, the Government of Antioquia, prioritized Municipalities, and the National Zero Deforestation Meat Agreement for the signing of the agreements by the identified associations and companies.

This product will be developed during the time of the consultancy, and partial progress reports must be delivered according to the payment schedule. The development of this product allows the fulfillment of objectives 2, 3, 4, and 5.

As part of the development of this product, once Corantioquia has the results related to the signing of zero deforestation agreements by individual producers, within the framework of the agreement with the National University, spaces will be managed with the National Technical Secretariat of the Agreement Zero Deforestation of Meat, to identify options for adherence of these to the National Agreement. Furthermore, Corantioquia will survey individual producers who want to adhere to the Agreement.

Product 3. Consolidate the location information of the suppliers of at least one (1) association or company that signs the Zero Deforestation Agreement of the Meat chain to test the Control Panel, the result of the consultancy carried out by GGGI with IDEAM to the processing of digital images for the zero-deforestation livestock chain to analyze the livestock meat chain and its relationship with deforestation. The development of this product allows the fulfillment of objective 5.

Product 4. A document containing the executive summary and a PowerPoint presentation of the products resulting from the Consultancy, aimed at decision-makers. As an annex, including the final report that includes the results of all the previous products developed during the consultancy, including the descriptions of the meetings, workshops, attendance lists.

Deliverables, times and payments:




Amount (% of the total rate)

Payment #1

Work plan and detailed schedule. A document that reflects the technical proposal and methodology clearly and in detail mentions step-by-step how and when the milestones that lead to the development of the consultancy will be developed. You must respond to all the considerations contained in these terms of reference.

Two weeks after signing the contract


Payment #2

Document corresponding to deliverable 2, where the following chapters are included:

  • Chapter that contains the analysis of the information of the meat production chain of the area to intervene and the actors that compose it. It must include a database containing the potential companies and associations for signing the agreements.
  • Chapter that contains the methodology and the strategy of connection to the National Agreement of the previously identified associations and companies.
  • Chapter with a management proposal between Corantioquia, the Government of Antioquia, prioritized Municipalities, and the National Zero Deforestation Meat Agreement for the signing of the agreements by the association(s) and company(ies) identified.
  • Annex of methodology and support for implementing the three awareness-raising sessions on the importance of the agreements compared to the country commitments and the responsibility of the members of the Agreement in supplying information that facilitates the self-analysis of each association or company.

Ten weeks after signing the contract


Payment #3

A technical document that contains the consolidation of the location information of the suppliers of at least one association or company that signs the Zero Deforestation Agreement of the Meat chain, to test the Control Panel, the result of the consultancy carried out by GGGI with the IDEAM to digital image processing for the zero-deforestation livestock chain.


weeks after signing the contract


Payment #4

A document containing the executive summary of the products resulting from the Consultancy, aimed at decision-makers, including the final report that must include the results of all the previous products developed by the same, including the meetings, workshops of work, and attendance lists.

twenty two

weeks after signing the contract


    • The Consultant's methodologies to develop the products must be proposed and validated with the GGGI Col and Corantioquia team.
    • The consultancy products must be socialized with the relevant actors for their validation and collective construction through meetings and workshops.
    • For the awareness days, the methodology must be previously defined, validated with the GGGI Col and Corantioquia team, and carried out in coordination with Corantioquia. The Consultant will bear the costs of transportation, materials, logistics, and per diem for the workshops (food and lodging).
    • An initial meeting should be held to socialize the consultancy and a workshop at the end to socialize the results. It is the Consultant's responsibility to attend all required technical meetings and events.
    • Products 1 and 4 must be produced in English and Spanish. The others will be developed in Spanish.
    • The Consultant must submit the reports in electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application.
    • The Consultant should rely on diagrams, tables, graphs, and infographics when presenting the reports and presentations of the consulting products.
    • The Consultant may be required to prepare presentations in PowerPoint format for the exhibition and validation of the products of the consultancy.
    • The GGGI must approve the final report with the agreement of Corantioquia. The Consultant will consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed. Within 14 days of receipt of the comments or proposal for modification of the GGGI, the Consultant will prepare and submit the final versions of the report.
    • A Steering Committee made up of Corantioquia and GGGI will be formed, which will meet monthly (or when deemed necessary) to evaluate the progress of the consultancy and guarantee institutional articulation to deliver the consultancy products effectively. The Government of Antioquia at the head of the Secretariats of Environment and Sustainability and Agriculture; in addition to the mayors of the previously selected municipalities and other actors of interest such as chambers of commerce, producer associations, sectoral unions, will participate in the meetings when deemed necessary.
    • The Consultant will generate memory aids for each of the meetings and committees during the consultancy.
    • The progress of the consultancy work will be supervised by the Regional Senior Associate in Antioquia, under the considerations of the Senior Associate in Sustainable Agriculture. It will also be monitored mainly through periodic review meetings, whose schedule will be determined based on planning with the two mentioned associates of the GGGI.

The description of required expert may be split into following parts:

    • (MANDATORY) Must be able to work and reside in Colombia
    • (MANDATORY) Undergraduate degree in agricultural sciences, agriculture, business administration, zootechnics, veterinary medicine, or related.
    • (MANDATORY) More than five (5) years of professional experience in public policies associated with the agricultural sector
    • (MANDATORY) Live in the apartment where the work will be performed
    • (DESIRABLE) Minimum experience of two (2) years of specific work in participatory and regional processes.
    • (DESIRABLE) Postgraduate in sustainable development issues
    • (DESIRABLE) Knowledge of environmental regulations associated with the agricultural sector
    • Excellent analytical skills, critical thinking ability, and quantitative skills.
    • Excellent writing and report preparation skills.
    • Strong communication and diplomatic skills
    • Ability to speak in public and conduct workshops.
    • Significant ability to communicate and work in coordination and team leadership.
    • Skill is needed to develop power point presentations or other compelling programs.
    • Excellent knowledge of Spanish and good writing skills in English are required.


Date to close is Korean Standard Time (KST). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered Application. Cover Letter, and CV must be sent in English. A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.

GGGI evaluates applications based on eligibility requirements, relevance of academic study, work experience and the level of interest and motivation to contribute to GGGI’s goals.

Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.